I have submitted my resignation as Poetry and Fiction Editor to Crosstimbers.
It has been a great time in my life, these twelve years working with Cecil Lee and Ingrid Shafer and the many marvelous poets and writers who published in the journal. We started local and explored Oklahoma and our place on the Plains, but we grew to a community of writers nationwide and then worldwide in countries like Austria, Lebanon, and Australia. I am proud of Crosstimbers and the voice we gave to so many writers and artists. I felt we represented our college, the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, in its truest mission, that of encouraging creation and insight across disciplines.
The future of the journal is uncertain. It may continue online under Ingrid's editorship or it may be replaced with a more academic publication. When I hear, I'll post the outcome of the deliberations. If Crosstimbers does continue, I'll let you know where to send your writing.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful work. It's been a rich diet reading it and working with you.